
Matter collaborates with leading fashion brands & manufacturers to build understanding and tackle the challenge of microfibre pollution at source.

Matter and Paradise Textiles unveil breakthrough microfibre filter to combat textile pollution

Microfibres are released into the water and air across various stages of textile production and throughout the life of a garment.

700 million

Every year, the equivalent to

polyester shirts are released into the ocean from microfibre shedding.

The global textile manufacturing industry is responsible for around 


tonnes of microfibre emissions per year.


Consumers care…

of people say they'd be willing to pay more to fashion brands that are less harmful to the environment.*

Introducing Regen.® for Textile Production.

Our game-changing microfibre capture technology for textile manufacturing.

The Matter Approach

We believe that microfibres should be captured at source, before they become pollutants and we lose them as a resource that can't be reused.

Our three-point circular approach enables the textile industry to capture and return value from microfibres. 

1. Identify the problem

Microfibre Assessment Programme (MAP)

To effectively address the large quantities of microfibres released during the textile manufacturing process it’s vital to understand the size, location and nature of the issue.

Our tailored MAP service provides you with crucial data and insights, along with tailored recommendations to guide you towards an appropriate solution for your manufacturing facility.

2. Cap the problem

Regen.® for Textile Production

Our Regen.® filter technology enables high-efficiency, low-cost filtration without the environmental impact.

  • Low energy system, recycling water to self-clean the filter

  • Processes high volumes of effluent in a small footprint

  • Compatible with all types of factory effluent treatment plant

  • Significantly lowers OPEX by reducing maintenance and chemical use

  • Microfibres can be harvested for recycling

3. Extract the value

The next step is to make the captured microfibre materials available for re-use or recycling. Matter is working with researchers and universities to create a truly closed-loop system and keep this harmful pollution out of landfill and incinerators.

We are working towards creating a circular value chain, exploring cost effective and efficient solutions for re-using water from manufacturing processes.

Turn waste into resource

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Get in touch

Are you a brand or manufacturer seeking an experienced partner to help you address the challenge of microfibre pollution?

Get in touch for a consultation with a member of our Textiles team.

(WIRED survey, Matter Calculated Estimations)